Scarred For Life™

Scarred For Life™ was a comic strip idea I began developing in 1998. Sample packages for Phase I were mailed to fourteen national newspaper syndicates in February 1999 with hopes of becoming a nationally syndicated cartoonist. Each package contained the standard cover letter, copies of 24 daily and 4 Sunday strips, brief character bios, and three sample pages of my 1991 cartoon book, Freaks, Geeks & Chicken Beaks.

Samples for Phase II were shipped in November 1999. These packages included 24 dailies and 4 Sundays.

Samples for Phase III were shipped in June 2000 with a new style, a new outlook, and new eyebrows for Jack. with hopes of becoming a nationally syndicated cartoonist. These packages contained a cover letter, updated character bios, and 24 dailies.

Comics Edge

Thirty daily and Sunday strips from Phase III were bought by Tribune Media Services and featured on (now defunct), during November 2000. The four Sunday strips featured here were created in October 2000 specifically for ComicsEdge and were not part of the original mailings in June.

The 86th and final strip for Scarred for Life was drawn in October 2000. Jack and Lenny are now enjoying their retirement.

Scarred for life Christmas Cards


Animated GIF Birthday Card for my son

May 2000 (Each frame progress at a First Grade reading pace)

Thank You Card to my son's Second Grade Class

June 2001

Scarred For Life is a trademark of The Chicken Coop. © Peter V. Sanfaçon (Registration No. VA-1-072-215). All Rights Reserved.

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