No more racist Indian mascots

Daily News of Newburyport
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mascots an affront to Native Americans

Regarding "School mascots: Honor or disgrace?" Feb. 23

As a Native American, I am offended by the use of "indian" mascots. I understand that many schools are faced with pressing needs and budgetary concerns; however, this is an issue that should not be disregarded.

It is shocking to read that an Amesbury School Committee member "doesn't see how you could call it offensive or degrading" and feel that "we're honoring them." I don't see how reducing an entire race of people to a symbol that adorns uniforms, walls and floors is honorable. I don't see how perpetuating stereotypes is honorable. I don't see how dressing in caricature and making a mockery of others' traditions is honorable.

What I do see is racism that has no place in schools and should not be tolerated. Mr. Sanfacon of Natick whom you quoted is correct: If the matter involved any other ethnic group, the insulting mascots would have been removed long ago. Imagine the outrage that an African-American, Asian or Latino mascot would cause and yet to some it is still acceptable to demean Native Americans this way!

A more appropriate way to honor Indigenous People would be to educate and increase awareness about Native Americans. We are not museum pieces or relics, but a living, breathing people with a special place in the history of this land. There are more than 500 separate and distinct tribes in the United States, each with its own history, culture and traditions that are being proudly carried on today. Logos and mascots do not honor Native People: They an affront to all those who have fought to maintain their Native heritage and identity.

Our elected officials should open this debate and find a way to eliminate a harmful, derogatory practice. After all, shouldn't we expect our leaders to lead by example?

MARIA WILKINS, Mashpee Wampanoag

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